Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hiatus...but I'm back!

Sorry for the long hiatus ....perhaps pictures may explain my abrupt absence over the last 2 weeks. We jumped at a hastily put-together opportunity to travel to beautiful O'ahu, Hawaii.

Trying my darndest to catch up with all the cooking challenges and posting deadlines.....


s said...

i REALLY missed reading ur posts..

Vijitha said...

Wow!Lucky you...
Hawaii is in the top list of my "places to visit". Tell me is this the right season to visit?

PS: Awesome pics.

Sig said...

oooh hawaii.. perfect place to get away during this crummy weather we've been having. I am sure you had fun!

Cynthia said...

Ah, so you've been soaking you the sea, sun and sand!

It is surprising that you cannot find annatto where you are.